Relevant forms are available under the "Forms" tab in the Parent's Area of our website. Our Admissions Policy is available to download from the "Policies" section under the "Our School" tab.
Junior Infants
The school will begin to accept enrolment applications forms for Junior Infants 2025/2026 school year on 31st January 2025 until 3rd March 2025.
Special Class (ASD)
Guidelines for Admission to Special Class (ASD) 2025/2026 in Four Masters N.S.
Following the publication of the New Measures to Support the Forward Planning for Special Education Provision (circular 0080/2024) published in October 2024 by the Department of Education, please note the following:
1) Prior to completing an application form, parents wishing to enrol their child in a special class/special school, must contact the NCSE and provide them with a copy of the child’s diagnosis report. They will discuss with you the range of options that are available to meet the needs of your child as identified in the report. This should be done as early as possible and must be completed before February 1st.
2) You will be provided with a written confirmation from the NCSE confirming the outcome of their review of the report(s). A copy of this written confirmation should be attached to an Application for Admission, along with a copy of the original diagnosis report.
STEP 1: Email the NCSE parentsnotify@ncse.ie and notify them that you wish to enrol your child in a special class.
STEP 2: Once the SENO has completed their review of your child’s reports and discussed the options with you, they will give you a written confirmation. You may then apply to the school using the Application for Admission. You should include the original diagnosis report and a copy of the NCSE written confirmation of review.
Timeline for applications for the school year 2025/2026:
31st January 2025: Applications open in Four Masters N.S.
1st February 2025: Latest date to contact NCSE
3rd March 2025: Closing date for applications for ASD Special Class in Four Masters N.S.
(any applications received after this date are considered “Late Applications” and are dealt with as per our Admissions Policy. (See https://www.fourmastersns.ie/our-school/policies)
For further information, please see the Parents section of the NCSE website;
Click on the link below to download an application form for ASD Special Class in Four Masters N.S. for children with an ASD, for the school year 2025/2026, or contact us at the school at 071 984 1123 for a copy.

Four Masters National School, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim | Phone: 071 9841123